JB Hamlin & Company
The JBH & Co. newsreel will keep you up to date on developments that affect Ohio’s state agencies and your business interests, your place for tweets, posts and our perspectives on the governmental environment in Ohio.
Kasich / Romney endorsement
The Dispatch reports that the endorsement may come today in Lorain. It was reported Sunday the Ohio Governor was “closer” to an endorsement, and as Romney is visiting Lorain one day after President Obama’s stop at Lorain County Community College, the endorsement would add some weight to today’s event. Stay tuned. It’ll be a whirlwind until...

The Gloves Come Off
According to The Dispatch, the GOP is ready to get behind Mitt Romney for presidential election season. This means that our governor will be getting in the ring — which he’s held back on to date. The Obama campaign will work to tie Romney and Kasich together from a policy perspective, and the Big Government narrative will wend its way through until November. Here’s to a successful campaign season!

Dems making it messy
It appears the Ohio Democratic Party is doing its best to keep things interesting, just as the Republican Party, both nationally and locally, is starting to congeal around its candidates and strategies. The Dispatch reports a rift amongst the party at the state chair level, with a challenge to the sitting chairman via a constituent from Lorain. Of course the committee will come to a decision, and of course the Republicans were doing similar shuffling just two weeks ago. Chances are this will be just a small bump in the road — however,...

Call the Day for Romney
Can we just agree to disagree with Rick Santorum? With Wisconsin’s primaries today, and Maryland and DC thrown in for good measure – some seventy or so delegates on the line – it’s time to coalesce around a candidate, and that candidate is not Rick Santorum. Santorum is lashing out in the final throes of his campaign, like an unworthy predator with its ankle stuck in a trap. He keeps trying to hit Romney, put it’s not working. It’s as if someone forgot to tell Santorum that he’s not invited to this...

Party Gets Behind Romney
At long last, Jeb Bush has come through for the leading Republican presidential candidate. And after having out-fundraised everyone in Ohio last month, Romney can focus his efforts on the real task at hand, taking the White House in November. It’s time for the campaign to reset, and focus on the big picture task at hand. It’s also time for Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich to stop the insanity. The sooner they fade back into the dim light the better – as always, it’s a long road to November. Buckle...

Policy & Progress in Ohio
Governor Kasich will on Wednesday reveal a policy update that will create an overhaul on taxes in our state, the Dispatch reports. Included in the “mid-biennium update” will be his energy plan, which will lower income tax in the state by defraying the revenue burden will shale oil proceeds. The governor has worked closely with energy producers to create an environment that is fair to them and also creates resources for Ohio. In addition to the income tax savings, he’s also including some $30 million for clean coal research...

Energy Leadership
Ohio Governor John Kasich has come to the table for energy companies, including Columbus-based AEP, at the IHS CERAWeek 2012, Energy and the Economy: Quest for Growth conference in Houston this week. He shared keynote remarks about hydraulic fracturing – fracking in shorthand – with Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper. Hickenlooper, a democrat and geologist by trade, is an advocate for fracking, as is our governor. The two used the address to make the case for fracking, but doing it in a way that is both regulated and...

Ohio Tops Texas
Ohio has taken back the Governor’s Cup, an annual ranking of state’s performance to attract or expand business, under the leadership of our governor and the JobsOhio team. Ohio’s 498 points beat out Texas (464), Pennsylvania (453), North Carolina (310) and Virginia (273) to round out the Top 5 states for Conway Data’s annual Governor’s Cup Award competition. Points are based on companies investing $1 million or more in a new or expanded facility, or hiring an additional 50 employees. According to the Columbus...

JobsOhio Launches
Governor Kasich’s signature jobs program has been shovel-ready for some time. Yesterday, it passed the final stop gap before becoming law by securing the necessary contracts before the bipartisan Ohio Controlling Board. Controlling Board is an arm of the Office of Budget and Management, created to be the final probe into requests for government expenditure. As such, it is staffed evenly by representatives and senators from both sides of the aisle, and guarantees a measure of impartiality for matters of taxpayer moneys. As is their...

JobsOhio Takes Winning Stride
Governor Kasich and his jobs czar, Mark Kvamme, have hit the ground running in 2012 on their JobsOhio agenda. During a press conference yesterday, details of the funding and reporting structure were unveiled, and the measure is set to go for a hearing before the Ohio Controlling Board next Monday, a crucial step toward becoming a reality. Under the new organization, Ohio liquor profits – an estimated $100 million per year – will flow to JobsOhio for the next 25 years. According to Mr. Kvamme, “a 25-year lease was...