Kasich Taking the Longview

governor-john-kasich-conversationjpg-426b4ff38eb0ff02National media have slowly been positioning Ohio Governor John Kasich as a case study. They were happy to jump on the band wagon when approval ratings were low early on. Now, with the economy moving in the right direction and and election campaign in the not-too-distant future, the punditry has proclaimed that Kasich is a study in how to win.

With 2014 elections nearly upon us in political and fundraising terms, some eyes have trained their focus on the presidential and federal elections coming in 2016.  But some eyes have been looking toward that goal all along. Kasich may play down presidential aspirations. However, his policies and ability to shore up disparate electoral factions by keeping his eye on positive results make him a viable candidate if he so chooses.

That’s a winning strategy.